Optimize your logistics flows

Plan&save enables you to build optimized sales, collection and storage plans, increasing margins and reducing transport costs and CO2 emissions, while also saving valuable time. Our solution gives you complete visibility of your operations, letting you adjust your logistics right up until harvest and achieve maximum productivity.

15 to 20% reduce post-harvest logistics costs.
Reduced transfer rates and costs
Improved sales margin.
Request a demo
How it works

Based on a digital twin model of your organization (physical and logistics infrastructures, related business restrictions, associated costs, etc.), our tool's algorithms rapidly generate financially optimized storage and transport plans. These plans can then be adjusted very rapidly by your experts directly in the system, to achieve a realistic and optimised solution that is fully supported by the entire network.

Solution features

and storage plans

Collection and storage plans

Create a digital twin of your organisation and generate optimised collection plans based on your collection and sales forecasts. The ease with which you can create scenarios also enables you to run all the simulations you need to make your strategic decisions.

Operation management

View the day-to-day operations carried out (contracting, transport, grain processing, etc.) to detect deviations from the forecast as soon as possible and be prepared to react as fast as possible.

Sales optimization

Work on your sales forecasts and make the best sales decisions to optimize your margins.
Based on sales prices, stock location, costs and
logistical requirements and existing contracts, deploy the best
quantities per market in order to maximise the value of the collections made.
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"Working with Plan&save has enabled us to take a step forward in our maturity and the structuring of our processes. As experts in the world of agriculture and the supply chain, we speak the same language and have the same objective: to implement a tool that is anchored in its operational use.
Oana Boijan, Supply Chain Director and Project Manager at Axéréal
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